P1_PCXD Physical Context Definition Viewpoint
Domain | Aspect | Maturity |
Physical | Context & Exchange |
The Physical Context Definition Viewpoint identifies the various contexts the SOI is used in, along with the associated external entities sharing a physical interface with the system. For each context, the applicable environmental conditions shall be defined. The physical context helps identify the interface requirements needed to integrate a system into its environment in a given context.
The Physical Context Definition Viewpoint supports the “Design Definition Process” activities of the INCOSE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK 2023 [§] and contributes to the artifacts “System Design Description” and “System Interface Definition”.
A block definition diagram (BDD) depicting the elements available in a specific context. At least one BDD is used per identified context featuring
- one block representing the Physical System, i.e., the system of interest
- one block representing the specific Physical System Context
- several blocks representing Physical Context Elements such as Physical User, Physical External System, and Physical Environment that are present in the Physical System Context
- composition relationships attaching the Physical Context Elements and the Physical System to the Physical System Context block
- Which are the external physical entities the system interacts with in the given context?
- Which are the given contexts the system is embedded and utilized in?
- Which interface partners does the system have?
Profile Model Reference
The following Stereotypes / Model Elements are used in the Viewpoint:
- SAF_PhysicalContext
- SAF_PhysicalContextRole
- SAF_PhysicalUser
- SAF_PhysicalExternalSystem
- SAF_PhysicalSystem
- SAF_PhysicalEnvironment