O2_STID Stakeholder Identification Viewpoint
Domain | Aspect | Maturity |
Operational | Taxonomy & Structure |
The Stakeholder Identification Viewpoint of the operational domain strives to identify Stakeholders, who’s concerns shall be considered, and adequatley adressed by the intended solution. Relations
The Stakeholder Identification Viewpoint supports the “Business or Mission Analysis Process” and the “Stakeholder Needs and Requirements Definition Process” activities of the INCOSE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK 2023 [§, §] and contributes to the Stakeholder identification.
A block definition diagram (BDD) depicting the identified, analysed, and classified Stakeholders, their interrelaions and their relations to the Intended Solution. Relations to represented Operational Performers shall also be shown.
- In which phases of the life cycle is a Stakeholder involved in the project?
- What concerns and rationals does a Stakeholder have?
- What relevant relations and influences exist between Stakeholders?
- Which Stakeholders are relevant to the system and might impose requirements?
- Which external entities (external systems, environments, etc.) does a Stakeholder represent?
- Who are the (Major) Stakeholders involved in the intended solution?
Profile Model Reference
The following Stereotypes / Model Elements are used in the Viewpoint:
- SAF_Stakeholder
- SAF_SystemOfInterestConcern
- SAF_StakeholderRelation
- SAF_ContextElementRepresentation
- attribute concern of type SAF_SystemOfInterestConcern at Stakeholder
- SAF_OperationalPerformer
- SAF_StakeholderRepresenting