O3_OPRO Operational Process Viewpoint
Domain | Aspect | Maturity |
Operational | Process & Behavior |
The Operational Process Viewpoint describes the Operational Processes related to a specific Operational Story, the sequence of execution, and their Operational Exchanges, including information, materials, natural resources, etc. The assignment of Operational Processes to Operational Performers is captured.
The Operational Process Viewpoint supports the “Business or Mission Analysis Process” and the “Stakeholder Needs and Requirements Definition Process” activities of the INCOSE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK 2023 [§ §] and contributes to the definition of operational scenarios.
An activity diagram featuring the ordered execution of Operational Process Actions. Operational Processes may be linked in terms of control flow and/or data flow visualizing the Operational Exchanges needed. Note: Operational Process Actions are assigned to Operational Roles and therefore in a more general manner to Operational Performers.
- What operational process activities shall be executed during the execution of an operational story?
- Which operational activity shall be executed by which operational performer in the operational story?
Profile Model Reference
The following Stereotypes / Model Elements are used in the Viewpoint:
- ControlFlow
- ObjectFlow
- SAF_OperationalContextRole
- SAF_OperationalPerformer
- Allocate
- SAF_OperationalProcess
- SAF_OperationalProcessAction
- ObjectFlow typed by SAF_OperationalDomainKind
- SAF_OperationalDomainKind