GridThe grid manages the viewpoints in grid cells assigned to the categories of an domain (row) and an aspect (column).
AspectAspects capture a set of characteristics or features of the Entity of Interest in its Environment to address Concerns within an Architecture Description.
DomainDomain captures viewpoints that belong together within typical SE workflow stages.
GDcontainingVPSpecifies that the grid contains multiple viewpoints
ViewpointA architecture viewpoint defines set of conventions for the creation, interpretation and use of an architecture view to frame one or more concerns
GDcontainingATSpecifies that the grid is composed of several aspects.
GDcontainingDNSpecifies that the grid is composed of several domains.
ViewA architecture view comprises portion of an architecture description and addresses information-relevant concerns framed by a architecture viewpoint.
SECrelatesToSECspecifies that a SE concept may be related others. Relations are also concepts and may be subject or object of other relations.
VPbelongingToDNspecifies that a viewpoint belongs to one domain.
VPbelongingToATspecifies that a viewpoint belongs to one aspect.
VWconformingToVPspecifies that a view conforms to a viewpoint.
ConcernSpecifies an information need that a stakeholder of the SAF needs to be satisfied within an MBSE approach using SAF.
VPframesCNSpecifies that a Viewpoint frames one or more concerns. That means that the views conform to that viewpoint satisfy the information need expressed by the concerns.
RationaleSpecifies why a stakeholder has a concern. Typically that has to do with the work a stakeholder has to do within an MBSE approach.
Stakeholderspecifies someone (typically a role) having an information need within an MBSE approach.
SE Conceptspecifies a SE concept to be supported by SAF
SECisProvidedByVPSpecifies, that one or more SE Concepts are provided by the Viewpoints Views
SAF StereotypeA stereotype of the SAF Profile Model
PIimplementsSECspecifies that a stereotype from the SAF profile implements a concept
SysML StereotypeA stereotype from sysml
UML MetaclassA metaclass from UML
SSTimplementsVPspecifies, that one ore more SAF Stereotypes implement a viewpoint. Note: Multiple Stereotypes are used if there are alternate presentations.