Any SAF ElementA concept used only together with relational concepts to specify that the relation goes to any other SAF Concept.
TermSpecifies the fact that a term is usually defined by a standard, but can also be defined as part of system development work.
StandardSpecifies a standard which shall potentially be complied by the system or a part of the system.
TRMdefinedBySDTSpecifies the fact that a term is defined by a standard.
Standardization OrganizationAn organization of standardization, e.g., International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Object Management Group (OMG), etc.
STDissuedBySTOSpecifies the fact that a standard is issued by an organization of standardization.
SDTincludingSDTSpecifies the fact that a standard is part of another standard.
Category Of StandardSpecifies categories in which the standard could be categorized , e.g., a data exchange format or a protocol standard, or categories as national, company or international standard.
SDTcategorizedCOFSpecifies the fact that a standard is categorized by one or more categories.
SDTsupersedingSDTSpecifies the fact that a standard supersedes one or more other standards.
ASFconformToSTDSpecifies, that a SAF Element may be conform to one or more Standards.
Glossaryspecifies a coherent set of terms.
GYcontainsTRMspecifies that a glossary contains a number of terms. A term is contained only in one glossary.
STDcontainsGYspecifies that a standard may contain one or more glossaries.
STDdependsOnSTDspecifies that a standard depends on an other.