C2_CSTD Common Standards Definition Viewpoint


The Standards Definition Viewpoint supports the definition of applicable standards, and their relationships, e.g., for format and protocol specifications, regulations, and engineering documents that are used throughout the system life cycle. It provides the meta-data for the applied standards, guidance and policy, e.g., issue, version, issue date, and publisher. The Viewpoint helps to keep track of changes to the set of applicable documents and of new versions of applied standards. Links should be used to refer to documents external to the architecture description.


The Standards Definition Viewpoint supports the definition of standards, and assignment of model elements to standards, during the technical processes and according to the information management process of the INCOSE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK 2023 .

Supported Processes

Supported Information Items


A block definition diagram (BDD) featuring the taxonomy of types of standards, applicable to the system of interest, or parts of the system of interest. The Standards are represented by packages which allows to use them in model libraries and put e.g. reusable interface definitions, or terms complying to the standard into the package

A table format listing standards, applicable to the system of interest or parts of it, their relationships and the relation to which parts of the system the standards apply



Exposed Concepts

The Diagram shows the concepts exposed by the viewpoint, and related concepts if necessary.

The Table shows the concepts exposed by the viewpoint, and related concepts if necessary.

StandardSpecifies a standard which shall potentially be complied by the system or a part of the system.
Standardization OrganizationAn organization of standardization, e.g., International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Object Management Group (OMG), etc.
SDTsupersedingSDTSpecifies the fact that a standard supersedes one or more other standards.
STDissuedBySTOSpecifies the fact that a standard is issued by an organization of standardization.
Category Of StandardSpecifies categories in which the standard could be categorized , e.g., a data exchange format or a protocol standard, or categories as national, company or international standard.
SDTcategorizedCOFSpecifies the fact that a standard is categorized by one or more categories.
SDTincludingSDTSpecifies the fact that a standard is part of another standard.
ASFconformToSTDSpecifies, that a SAF Element may be conform to one or more Standards.
STDdependsOnSTDspecifies that a standard depends on an other.

Realization of exposed Concepts

The Diagram shows the realization of exposed concepts.

The Table shows the realization of exposed concepts.

Required Viewpoints
