O1_OSTY Operational Story Viewpoint
Domain | Aspect | Maturity |
Operational | Context & Exchange |
The Operational Story Viewpoint
- captures operational stories within operational contexts and their relation to operational performers, thus enables storytelling
- illustrates the operational background from the Stakeholder perspective
- serves as starting point to identify Stakeholders and/or context elements
- fosters the communication among different Stakeholders
The Operational Story Viewpoint supports the “Business or Mission Analysis Process” activities of the INCOSE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING HANDBOOK 2023 [§] and contributes to the problem or opportunity statement.
A use case diagram featuring model elements representing operational stories, the context in they’re taking place and operational performers involved. Note: Illustrations, drawings, sketches, etc., and/or descriptions in free text may provide a comprehensive understanding of the operational mission.
Profile Model Reference
The following Stereotypes / Model Elements are used in the Viewpoint:
- SAF_OperationalSketch
- SAF_OperationalStory
- SAF_OperationalPerformer
- SAF_OperationalPerformerActing
- SAF_OperationalContext
- attribute subject of type SAF_OperationalContext at UseCase